Take on tomorrow
Security Consulting: Identify, analyze and evaluate the security risk and hazards your organization faces in a particular location
International SOS will work with you to identify the proper measures to protect your people, property, and reputation.

Risk Assessments are essential to organizations with operations in unfamiliar or remote locations.
Protecting your organization

Risk Assessments are essential to organizations with operations in unfamiliar or remote locations. They aim to help management teams better understand the risk dynamics around their operations, assess the risks associated with the projects, and implement suitable mitigation mechanisms that will ensure the safety of their people.

Tailored to your needs

International SOS understands just like risk, each organization is unique. Our assessment and recommendations are specific to the client and situation. We work with each individual client to construct a mitigation plan to match your goals.

Supports business continuity

Each assessment can include decision-making tools, relating your business continuity plan to specific escalations related to risk events.

Deep-dive into the Risk Assessment Process
The process used in our risk assessments follows the ISO Standard 31000:2009 - Risk Management Principles and Guidelines

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Service Components

Comprehensive assessment of threats and hazards which are present in the vicinity of the project location and their related risks in terms of likelihood and impact.

  • General security conditions such as threats stemming from crime, unrest, terrorism and political stability
  • Threats stemming from proximity to your sites and vulnerabilities of project
  • Key routes and most secure ways to get to/from site
  • Safety in nearby cities/towns
  • Status of infrastructure such as roads, transport, water, electricity and telecommunications

Clear set of recommendations on best-practice risk control mechanisms to ensure the safety of staff and the continuity of the project.

  • Project site & accommodation security
  • Journey management protocols
  • Travel/ housing protocols for staff
  • Engaging the locals authorities
  • Working/ commuting at night or when curfews are in place
  • How to use your existing International SOS membership to better support your organization

Information related to local security providers, and points of contact for International SOS specialist advice, in relation to the movement of your workforce from the project sites.

Travel rebound sees increasing number of requests for Security Assistance

Our Assistance Centers around the world have seen a 132% increase in Security Assistance between May 2020 and March 2021.

While adding to existing hardships on the ground, the pandemic has now brought a fundamental shift in a vast majority of ongoing conflicts, which will continue to feed regional security concerns, and as a result, raising security issues for travelers.
Jeremy Prout
Security Solutions Director

International SOS

Paul Doucet
Security Director, Assistance

International SOS

Michael Rogers
Security Director, Intelligence

International SOS


© 2020 International SOS
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