Managing trips for schools is complex and challenging, International SOS provides your institution support to ensure the health and security of your students and employees, as well as your organisation's reputation.

Staff and parents education video
Play this 5-minute video at your schools parent and student trip information sessions, or share the link to the video along with your trip information packs.
Troubleshoot any technical issues
Our support platform allows you to self-resolve the most common enquiries, such as account and log in details, error messages, if an answer cannot be found, there is an option to submit a 'Help’ request.
Your International SOS program guide
The digital guide provides useful information on your program.  How to download the app, get medical and security advice and assistance.  A great resource to share with your staff and students.
School leadership resources & important information on your program
School trip leader - educational video
Management briefing presentation
Essential information for Authorised Persons
Identifying an Authorised Person
How to sign up for email alerts
Your program onboarding checklist
How to use your included consulting hours
ManagerView your all-in-one access to information about places and situations that impact your trips
Educate your staff & students
How to use your program - a guide for staff
FAQ for parents
FAQ for staff and students
International SOS program letter to parents
Why call International SOS - printable program flyer
Present the International SOS program to your staff and students
Useful resources: Guidance documents, benchmarking resources & case studies
Sabah earthquake case study
School case studies
Benchmark your program using the Scholastic travel risk management self-assessment tool
Field Trip Management - guidance document

For any further questions or information, check out the client support platform, speak to your International SOS account manager or contact us:

© 2022 International SOS