No one is ever very far from being affected by a potential health or security incident, whether in the workplace, while away on business or simply going about everyday life.

For employers across the world, ensuring their people are prepared and informed about the practical aspects of health and security risk is a crucial aspect of their Duty of Care to their employees.

Our security and health experts believe that proper training can make a crucial difference. We provide sessions on First Aid, Health & Wellbeing and Workforce Risk training for your entire workforce.

Our Workforce Resilience service provides a portfolio of Medical and Security Training Services, delivered by our qualified professionals. These make it easy for organisations to communicate with, educate and train their people across a broad range of health and security issues.
Team lavora a un desk


How it works

Research shows that the actions taken in the first few minutes of an incident are critical. So our classroom First Aid training equips your people with the essential life-saving skills they need when every minute counts.

Equally important, our market leading Global Risk Training proactively prepares employees before they leave on an assignment. These can be generic or destination-specific, but the aim is always to improve understanding of the most significant health and security risks your people may face.

We also provide Health & Wellbeing training that helps employees to make informed decisions for better health, leading to a happier and more productive workforce. 

Our Workforce Resilience training solutions are delivered either in a traditional classroom, a virtual classroom. Our Digital Learning is delivered either via the International SOS Training Hub or can be co-hosted on your company’s Learning platform.
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How it helps

Not only does our training aim to reduce the frequency and impact of health and security incidents affecting your business, it also aids employee development and staff retention.

As well as helping you to maintain business continuity, it serves to safeguard your reputation through streamlining compliance with local and international regulations, and your own Corporate Social Responsibility goals. Furthermore, by evidencing your commitment to employee safety, it mitigates the risk of legal liability.

Contact us to discuss how we can help you fulfil your employee training requirements.

Training for you and your entire workforce is just one component of our Workforce Resilience service: everything you need to safely manage your global teams while they work around the world.


        CONTACT US

If you would like to know more about how International SOS can protect your staff worldwide, please contact us.

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© 2021 International SOS