with a spotlight on Long COVID and Mental Health
Wednesday 16 March 2022
Were you aware that if an employee is absent from work for four to twelve weeks, there is between a 10% to 40% chance that they will be absent for a year?  And for those signed off for between six and twelve months, there is a 90% chance that they will never return to any form or work in the foreseeable future.

During the pandemic, we have all been made very aware of the highly disruptive effect of sickness absence on the workforce and on organisations' ability to continue business as usual and maintain productivity.  As we all hope we may be beginning to see the end of the worst of the pandemic, with the advent of vaccines and innovations in treatment, the consequences will remain with us for some time.  

According to the Office of National Statistics, as of 2 January 2022, 1.3 million people in the UK were experiencing Long COVID symptoms that lasted more than four weeks from the initial infection.  42% of these people were continuing to experience symptoms more than a year after first being infected. And 63% said their symptoms have reduced their ability to carry out daily activities.

And the effects are not only physical: 32% of all management referrals currently are for Mental Health issues - second only to musculoskeletal issues.  Our Risk Outlook 2022 report showed that, after COVID-19, 36% of respondents globally expected Mental Health issues to be the greatest productivity disruptor in 2022 - this represents a four-fold increase since 2020.

Join our panel as they discuss the issues surrounding employee absence and how appropriate proactive absence management can benefit both the organisation and the employee.   
Please get in touch if you would like further information or if you have any questions
Medical Director, Scotland
Head of Mental Health, Resilience
and Wellbeing
Health Consultant, EMEA
General Manager, Scotland
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